How we can help
At Weetwood we think differently. We work hard to understand our clients needs and develop our approach accordingly. We don't get entrenched in technical solutions and we never lose sight of our clients end goal. We recognise the impact of changes in planning policy and the economy on our clients' businesses. Our clear focus throughout all of our areas of work is to deliver value for our clients by maximising development opportunities and minimising potential costs.
Weetwood provides significant capital cost savings on surface water and foul water drainage solutions
Read about how we deliver significant project delivery cost savings
Weetwood helps to develop schemes that will not cause detriment to the environment and where possible will provide environmental betterment
We can challenge the Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning and increase your developable area.
Weetwood's expert reports are clearly written and have led to the satisfactory resolution of both claims at land tribunals and insurance claims