Delivering significant project cost savings

A case study on how we make a difference

Weetwood provides significant capital cost savings on surface water and foul water drainage solutions

We develop surface water and foul water drainage schemes for development sites ranging from single residential dwellings through to several hundred hectare mixed use urban extensions and use industry leading cost estimating software to provide a high degree of cost certainty and to ensure that our schemes are as cost efficient as possible.

We have many examples of where we have saved our clients significant sums of money by challenging the stance of the regulatory authorities in order to minimise the attenuation storage required to comply with the planning policy and drainage law, thereby minimising capital expenditure.

For example we were recently appointed by a retail client to re-negotiate surface water runoff rates with the Environment Agency. In doing so, we successfully reduced the storage required saving the client an estimated £250,000 of capital expenditure.

By calculating likely foul water loadings from a major new housing development rather than relying on water company estimates we were able to save the housebuilder an estimated £150,000 by re-negotiating the connection point into the existing public sewer network.