We have successfully undertaken many Environmental Impact Assessments covering the water environment for a broad range of developments from large residential and mixed use schemes to major infrastructure projects including new pipelines and wind farms.
We recently undertook an EIA for a mixed use development of 4,500 residential units, 13 hectares of employment land, a district centre, two local centres, three primary schools, a secondary school, allotments, natural and semi-natural green space, amenity green spaces and facilities for children/young people, outdoor sports provision, a site for gypsies/travellers and show-people, a new link road and landscaping works.
The assessment included a detailed review of planning policy and technical guidance, a baseline review of existing conditions of the water environment, identification of potential effects, the development of mitigation measures and an assessment of residual effects. The assessment included a detailed assessment of flood risk, the development of a site-wide strategy for sustainably managing surface water from the development and a Water Framework Directive assessment of water habitat and quality in two rivers.
Planning permission was subsequently granted and the assessment will help ensure that the environment is protected during construction of the scheme and through its lifetime. The scheme proposals incorporate measures to ensure that the water environment is enhanced with the creation of newly accessible areas of open space and the creation of new surface water habitats.